Kenya Bankers Association
Kenya Bankers Association (KBA) is the financial sector's leading advocacy group and the umbrella body of the institutions licenced and regulated by the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) with a current membership of 47 financial institutions. KBA continues to reinforce a reputable and professional banking sector in a bid to best support Kenyans, who entrust their ambitions and hard-earned resources with its member banks.

Kenya Institute of Management
The Kenya Institute of Management (KIM) is a professional membership based institution building capacity in individuals and organizations through practical industry oriented training programmes that drive business excellence in Africa. With its 19 branches countrywide and over 60 years’ experience in knowledge industry , KIM has successfully helped organizations drive global competitiveness through Organizational Performance Index (OPI) which leads to the prestigious annual Company of the Year Awards (COYA) and SME of the Year Awards (SMOYA).

Micro & Small Enterprises Authority
The Micro and Small Enterprise Authority (MSEA) is a state corporation established under the Micro and Small Enterprise Act No. 55 of 2012. The Act was developed through a stakeholder’s consultation process which took several years. The Authority is now domiciled in the Ministry of Industry,Trade and Co-operatives.
The Act gives the Authority the mandate to formulate and Coordinate policies that will facilitate the integration and harmonization of various public and private sector initiatives, for the promotion, development and regulation of the Micro and Small Enterprises to become key Industries of Tomorrow.

Ministry of Industrialization and Regional Trade
The Department is responsible for the management of Kenya’s international trade relations and the promotion and protection of its interests overseas to contribute to the country’s Development plans including vision 2030.To be a global leader in promoting international trade and private sector development. To advance Kenya’s international trade interests and promote an enabling environment for trade to thrive.

Kenya National Chamber of Commerce & Industry
The Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KNCCI) is a membership based trade support institution (TSI) working to protect commercial and industrial interests of Kenyan business community. KNCCI advocates for the creation of a favorable commercial, trade and investment environment that supports enterprise expansion. The membership of KNCCI constitutes small, micro enterprises (MSEs), medium and large enterprises.

Kenya Association of Manufacturers
Kenya Association of Manufacturers is the representative organisation for manufacturing value-add industries in Kenya. Established in 1959 as a private sector body, KAM has evolved into a dynamic, vibrant, credible and respected business association that unites industrialists and offers a common voice for businesses. KAM provides an essential link for co-operation, dialogue and understanding with the Government by representing the views and concerns of its members to the relevant authorities.